
Intellij 이클립스 단축키 비교

언젠간 프로 2015. 7. 1. 22:32

Eclipse Keymap vs. IntelliJ IDEA Keymap

Let's review the major differences existing between the Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA default keymaps. The table below lists a few of the differences but it should not be considered an exhaustive list.

ActionIntelliJ IDEAEclipse
Open any file quicklyCtrl + Shift + N Ctrl + Shift + R 
Find a type or classCtrl + N Ctrl + Shift + T 
Show all the members of current typeCtrl + F12 Ctrl + O 
Jump to sourceF4 F3 
To jump from one member to the next (or previous)Alt + ↓ Alt + ↑ Ctrl + Shift + ↓ Ctrl + Shift + ↑ 
Go to parent classCtrl + B Ctrl + T 
Back and forth through the files you have visitedCtrl + Alt + ← Ctrl + Alt + → Alt + ← Alt + → 
Last edit location

Command + Shift + Backspace 

Ctrl + Q 
Delete lineCtrl + Y Ctrl + D 
Duplicate line

command + D 

Ctrl + Alt + ↓ 
Open hierarchyCtrl + H F4 
Organize importsCtrl + Alt + O Ctrl + Shift + O 
Find next / previousF3 / Shift + F3 Ctrl + K / Shift + Ctrl + K 
DebugShift + F9 F11 
RunShift + F10 Ctrl + F11 
Step IntoF7 F5 
Step OverF8 F6 
Step OutShift + F8 F7 
ResumeF9 F8 
Rename in placeShift + F6 Alt + Shift + R 
Format codeCtrl + Alt + L Ctrl + Shift + F 
Change signatureCtrl + F6 Alt + Shift + C 
Quick fixAlt + Enter Ctrl + 1 
View Javadoc for memberCtrl + Q 

Mouse over

* 기타 

- JAVA Editor

 Add Java Doc

 Alt + Enter  

 Alt + Shift + J

 Line Movement

 Alt + Shift + Up or Down

 Alt + Up or Down